
MacStadium SSO: How Single Sign-On Works with Orka

By Lauren Cabana|

May 14, 2024

Here at MacStadium, we understand the importance of your business’ strict security requirements (we take security, very seriously). We also understand that your team needs a better way to manage their macOS infrastructure and virtualization. According to G2, companies observe a 50% improvement in operational efficiency after adopting virtualization. If you haven’t already, it’s time to find a solution that saves your business money and dev hours. Now, accessing and managing access to your MacStadium Orka environment is easier than ever with federated SSO.

Single sign-on (SSO) allows users to login with only one set of credentials using a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)-compatible Identity Provider (IdP) such as Okta, AzureAD, or Google Workspace. Thanks to SSO, users can log in to Orka using their existing credentials, and admins can dynamically provision and revoke access to necessary systems.

Benefits of SSO for Business

In a recent study by Gartner, 64% of business leaders chose to adopt SSO to improve access management. Centralized user management is a huge benefit when using Orka + SSO. Leverage your existing IdP to manage user accounts, roles, and permissions across your organization. SSO also streamlines the login experience. Users authenticate once with their IdP and then gain access to MacStadium resources.

You will see improvements in the login experience, and SSO on Orka allows for enhanced security measures. According to Gartner, over 40% of business leaders experienced reduced cybersecurity incidents thanks to SSO. Step up your company’s security with federated SSO on your macOS virtualization. SAML-based authentication adds robust security for enterprises. You can enforce security policies such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) from your IdP.


How SSO works with Orka

SSO on Orka is just like other SSO experiences your team has already had. MacStadium offers federated SSO through SAML. SSO on Orka facilitates communication between your MacStadium account and your IdP. The MacStadium Portal remains the front-end interface interacting with the SSO service for users.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how MacStadium’s SSO service works:

  • Your chosen SAML-compatible IdP handles user authentication and provides authorization information to MacStadium
  • MacStadium’s dedicated SSO service handles all types of user management functions, including login and password resets

How to set up SSO with MacStadium

Getting started with SSO on Orka begins by reaching out to our support team. Setting up SSO for your team can be done in a few easy steps. Continue using the following links for step-by-step instructions on how to implement SSO with MacStadium:

  • Enable SAML SSO with Okta
  • Enable SAML SSO with Azure Active Directory
  • Enable SAML SSO with Google Workspace

You’ll need to contact the MacStadium support team to help complete the SSO process, but we’re ready to help your team from start to finish.

Get started with SSO + Orka today

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to prioritize access management and security for your business.

Security is a top concern for enterprises everywhere. The 2023 Cloud Security Report explains that within the next 1-2 years, nearly 60% of cloud security professionals say they will run more than 50% of their workloads in the cloud.

We know your macOS virtualization tool is important to your business. What better way to protect it than enabling SSO on Orka. Want to see Orka in action? Request a demo from an Orka expert and get started with SSO today!

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