
MacStadium Notes: Shopify, Pure Storage, and more

By Brian Stucki|

April 21, 2017

From time to time, our customers will post about their experience with us. We love to read these posts. We also love to see the open-source projects and the new products that our customers work on and release Here are some recent examples we’d love to highlight:  

Pure Storage

Pure storage logo with shadow

We worked with Pure Storage to beta test and launch their new FlashArray//X, the First Mainstream 100% NVMe All-Flash Array. In addition to testing it, Pure Storage also sat down with the President of our company to talk about our experience. Read A Customer’s Perspective – How MacStadium Uses NVMe.  


Shopify deploy diagram

The talented Shopify Engineering team wrote an excellent article about how they use our Private Cloud, vSphere, Buildkite to Build a Dynamic Mobile CI System. It’s a fantastic technical writeup.  

Open Source Projects

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In the last little while, we’ve been happy to join in on some great open source projects of all kinds. A few examples:

AdoptOpenJDK is an open-source community project that aims to provide pre-built OpenJDK binaries for the leading platforms.

Mega Glest is a cross-platform game that required a macOS build server. We have a few of those around here.

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS and a very popular developer tool. We’re proud to help power it. 

Facebook provides the useful osquery, which allows you to easily ask questions about your Linux, Windows, and macOS infrastructure.  


MacStories is a popular blog about Apple and its products and we’re happy to host the site here. This week, Federico and John announced AppStories, a weekly podcast exploring the world of apps. Since we work with so many iOS developers, I think it will be popular among our users. Have a listen here.

If you’re a customer here at MacStadium, we’d love a review from you as well. If you write up your experience on the web, please send us a link so we can include it in a future post.

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